If you’ve bought your own website from us here at Webwalrus you’ll be happy to know that all our accounts come with email built in. But how do you get that setup in Microsoft Outlook? Read on…

Setting Up Your Webwalrus Email With Microsoft Outlook 2013

For the purposes of this tutorial we’ll assume you are using Microsoft Outlook 2013 and already have an email account from another account set up. If you are using a different version the routine is basically the same, but the layout and descriptions used may vary slightly. There are some links to help you out with other versions at the bottom of this post but with any luck the information here is enough to get you through. First time users may be presented with a ‘wizard’ to get you going, if you are cancel that and then follow these instructions.


Step One: Click ‘File’

Clicking File On Outlook 2013

Step Two: Click ‘Add Account’

Add account using Outlook 2013

Step Three: Select ‘Manual setup or additional server types’ then click the ‘Next’ button.

 Outlook Email Settings - Manual Setup

Step Four: Select ‘Pop or IMAP’ then click ‘Next’

 Outlook Email Settings - POP or IMAP

Step Five: Set your email settings up following the example in the image below.

User Information

Your Name: Where I have typed ‘Joe Hewes’ in the image, swap this for your own name. This is how others will see your name in their email programs so choose what you would prefer here (remember to keep it professional).

Email Address: Add the email address for the account you are setting up here. We will have provided this to you via email when we set up your email account.

Server Information

Account Type: Make sure this is set to ‘IMAP’

Incoming Mail Server: Set this to ‘mail.yoursite.co.uk’ replacing the ‘yoursite.co.uk’ with the name of your website (without the www bit)

Outgoing Mail Server: Is the same as your incoming mail server – see above.

Logon Information

User Name: Is the email address you are setting up, so this should match what you have entered in the ‘Email Address’ box

Password: Enter in the password we supplied you via email very carefully. It is case sensitive so check your capital letters.

Ensure ‘Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)’ is turned off (just like in the picture).

We recommend setting ‘Mail to keep offline’ to ‘all’ unless you have a computer with a very small hard drive (128gb or less). If you do have a small drive, try setting it to ‘three months’.

Now click ‘More Settings’

 Setup your Webwalrus Email in Microsoft Outlook

Step Six: Click the ‘Outgoing Server’ tab at the top of the dialogue box, and select ‘My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication’. Ensure that the setting look the same as below, with ‘Use same settings as my incoming mail server’ selected.

 Email Settings 5 Requires Auth

Step Seven: Click the ‘Advanced’ tab at the top of the dialog box. We need to change the ‘Outgoing server (SMTP)’ setting to 26. The ‘Incoming Server (IMAP)’ setting should be set as 143.Press OK

 SMTP and Incoming Port settings in Outlook

Step Eight: Press the ‘Next’ button to allow Outlook to check your settings are correct.

 Email Settings 4e

We’re all done! Hopefully at this point you will receive a message to tell you that you are all ready to go.

If a dialog box appears asking you to re-enter your password, double check you have entered it correctly and then press OK.

If Outlook does finds any other errors in your settings run through this tutorial again carefully checking all your settings. If there are still issues a good thing to double check is that your internet connection is working correctly (try visiting Google in your favourite browser – if it loads you are all good there).

Still having problems? Drop us a message by visiting our contact page.

Some Extra Help for Users of Older Versions Of Outlook

Click the link below to get you started (just use step one) and then return here and work from step five.


Got any tips of your own to help other users in the Webwalrus community? Add them below so we can all benefit.

Joe Hewes

Joe is head honcho at Webwalrus web design. An avid internet enthusiast he has been building websites since 10 B.C. (Before Chrome).
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